If there is something in what Argentina is outstanding above everything, it is in Polo.
In the Pampa lands, Argentina owns the best horses, polo courts, polo tournaments, polo players and polo equipment. Here, the reasons of Argentina leadership:
The best Breed of Horses
There is not like the Argentine horses in the world, they are the formula one of this sport. The breed ‘Argentine polo‘ is the product of crossbreeding between Creole crossbreed mares – strong, resistant and agile – and race thoroughbred horses – the fastest in the world – a magnificent achievement of the genetics and dressage skills of the experienced riders. To identify them: up to a meter and a half in height, a short back that allows them to be maneuverable on the court and strong and skilled limbs in braking.
The best players and teams
It is assumed, of course, that if Argentines are the ones with the highest handicaps in the world, then they have to be the best players. And so it is. In general, polo players, in addition to practicing sports, work in some related activity, such as the breeding and sale of horses or the design and production of articles related to this sport because in addition to seeing and enjoying it, the Argentine polo is also shared. Thanks to its popularity and the great performance of its horses, teams and players, Argentina offers the possibility of teaching this sport at logical and accessible prices.
Argentina Polo Day is the leading company offering the best polo experiences.
Argentina has long been known for its excellence in polo sport and is the destination of choice for the international polo community. Experiencing authentic polo in Argentina is a must for lovers of polo at any level. If you want to play in the best facilities, learn from the best players, ride the best horses and visit Palermo, the mecca of the polo world, Argentina is the only place for you.